Tree Services
Pruning trees is important for safety and longevity of your assets (woody and otherwise!)
Properly timed pruning throughout the seasons can reduce stress to the plant, and reduce risk of disease.
Sometimes, the only option left to care for trees in our landscapes is to cut them down before they fall down on their own. Hire us with the experience and equipment necessary to get it done safely.
Custom Milling
Your tree’s wood may be valuable in sentimental woodworking, and we offer the chance to create furniture or art with your beloved trees. As an added service, we can mill boards up to 32″ diameter using alaskan chainsaw mill.
Plant Health Care
We offer free diagnoses from a certified arborist, and also offer potential treatments. List of potential treatments include insecticide/fungicide trunk injection or spray, as well as fertilizer application.
This maple also had a two cables installed to protect the tree against crotch failure